الأربعاء, 2025-01-22, 10:35 PM


«  ديسمبر 2012  »
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الرئيسية » 2012 » ديسمبر » 18 » Registry Defragmenter & Compactor 1.6
12:38 PM
Registry Defragmenter & Compactor 1.6

The Windows Registry grows as data is added to it, but it never shrinks when data is removed. A bloated registry with a lot of empty space can slow down the boot time as well as performance. Registry Defragmenter and Compactor will rebuild and re-index your registry to eliminate structural mistakes and corruption.

Features Repairs defects by rebuilding your registry. Remove fragmentation with a linear and sequential registry. Compact registry by removing gaps and unused space. Improve system performance due to faster registry load/read. Protect privacy by erasing previously deleted registry cells.

(Those who have bought Ace Utilities are eligible for a free copy of Registry Defragmenter & Compactor.

Update: Since Registry Compactor is now bundled with Ace Utilities, no separate link is available for the 'free copy' download. )


Download Now or Upgrade Now Then choose the free/pro program version.

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