Registry TuneUp is one of the most
advanced and effective registry cleaners you will ever need. It
is a tool to optimize clean and tune up your system registry - the most
important part of windows. It finds and removes errors in your
windows system registry, reducing application crashes, and thus
enhancing the performance and reducing sluggishness. It cleans
all parts, yet it is the safest, using a built-in ignore list to prevent
important entries in the registry from being listed. It allows
'undo' operations, has normal and expert modes, and is very fast
and powerful. Registry TuneUp is an
application made from the 'Clean System Registry' tool of Ace Utilities
and offered at a lower price. If you want a complete system
maintenance utility, we recommend Ace Utilities. All the features
of Registry Tuneup are contained in Ace Utilities.
Features The fastest, safest, and comprehensive utility
to clean registry errors. Built-in ignore list to protect many
important registry entries. Scan and clean all parts of
registry. Allows you to undo a cleaning if you want.
Expert / normal mode of registry cleaning. Shows you why each
entry in the registry is not needed.
Advanced Auto decides whether to delete either the entire
registry sub-key or just the entry. Expert users can view the
registry entries ignored, and delete them if needed. Scan and
clean invalid ActiveX, Application Paths, Add-remove software, start
menu order, shared dll section, font, help, IE context menu, IE
toolbar, file extensions, and more from the registry . No
other software scans this much in the registry. Allows expert
users to exclude selected registry entries permanently in the future.
Download Now or Upgrade Now Then choose the free/pro program version.